The Feast Day of St. John Paul II is a JOYous celebration for the WCI

As St. John Paul II is the patron Saint of the Wojtyła Community & Institute,


Oct 22, 2020 -  We continue to move forward with our pioneer Married Couple Group, following The Rule for Married Couple Groups written by St. John Paul II when he was Cardinal.

This Rule is our raison d’être! (our reason for being)  St. John Paul II is our true founder and he saw where the world was heading.  He wrote this Rule to guide couples safely through the increasingly secular culture towards holiness - and ultimately, the joy of heaven! 

Did you know?

Cardinal Wojtyła required a promise from couples to join the Married Couple Groups as written in The Rule.  This simple 6-point Rule lays out a guide to joyful holiness for couples, which includes nine agreements within the promise: Community, The Real and the Ideal, Humanae Vitae, Marriage Unity, Christian Morality, Conjugal Spirituality, Studying Marriage, Apostolate, & Prayer.

An historic moment - the 1st WCI Married Couple Group!

Our WCI Married Couple Group Promise reflects those nine agreements of promise precisely as St. John Paul II explained them in The Rule:

Community -  We promise to support the other couples in our group in prayer and deed, to attend our MCG and community gatherings and foster a Culture of Life, supporting the dignity of the Person in all we do.

The Real and The Ideal - We promise to always try to see each person in two instances: as he/she is and as he/she is meant to be; to be a compassionate listener and acknowledge others’ struggles while simultaneously calling each other to holiness.

Humanae Vitae - We promise to live according to the teaching of HV and seek out answers to what we don’t understand.

Marriage Unity -  We promise to both be fully involved.

Christian Morality - We promise to strive to live according to the Ten Commandments & the norms of Christian morality, and to find ways to live the spirit of the Evangelical Counsels of poverty, chastity and obedience.

Conjugal Spirituality - We promise to open our hearts to the grace of the Sacrament of Marriage, so Christ might draw our union into a deeper relationship with the Blessed Trinity, so that the teaching of the truth of Marriage given by Christ and explained by the Catholic Church may be realized in our life with full understanding and full love.

Studying Marriage - We  promise to open our minds to the truth of marriage, to allow the Holy Spirit to give us a deeper understanding and to commit to an annual marriage retreat.

Apostolate - We promise to serve alongside our MCG members in an apostolate we choose together.

Prayer - We promise to pray for the other couples in our MCG, in the WCI community, for all marriages, and for the truth of marriage and family to be understood by the Church and the world.


When couples come together with this commitment, they are truly able to be supported in their spiritual journey and not just survive this culture but spiritually thrive with JOY!

We are SO GRATEFUL for our Married Couple Group members!


Thank you for your continued prayers for us! If you feel so moved, we also humbly ask for donations. We have many startup expenses including paying our Polish translator for her extraordinary work. Donations can be made securely through our website or a check written to "Wojtyła Community & Institute" and mailed to the address below.

We are praying for you!
God's timing is perfect and we glorify His Holy Name! All glory and honor to Him!!

God bless you,
the WCI Leadership Team