Enjoy reading the latest updates from the Wojtyla Community & Institute!

Read the summer issue of JOYFUL!

05/13/2024 - The summer issue of JOYFUL! is ready to read! JOYFUL! is the Wojtyła Community & Institute's quarterly communique. With articles, insights, personal stories, as well as news about the details of upcoming events and retreats ...

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Read the Inspiring Advent issue of JOYFUL!

12/19/2023 - The Advent issue of JOYFUL! is ready to read! JOYFUL! is the Wojtyła Community & Institute's quarterly communique. With articles, insights, personal stories, as well as news about the details of upcoming events and retreats ...

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The Wojtyła Community & Institute Introduces JOYFUL!

10/10/2023 - The Wojtyła Community & Institute launches a quarterly communique: JOYFUL! With articles, insights, personal stories, as well as news about the details of upcoming events and retreats ...

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Pontifical John Paul II Institute recognizes Peter Martin as featured alumnus. Praises work on The Rule and with WCI.

8/23/2023 - WASHINGTON, D.C. The Pontifical John Paul II Insitute for Studies on Marriage and Family at the Catholic University of America recently featured Peter Martin as their featured alumnus in an alumni email newsletter. The email included Peter's story ...

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FANTASTIC INTERVIEW. Watch Now! Peter & Theresa Martin on the Messy Family Project Podcast!

Mike and Alicia Hernon, from the Messy Family Project podcast, sit down with Peter and Theresa Martin interviewing them about St. John Paul II's Rule in this lively and entertaining exchange! watch here ...

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