The Martins Speak next at the CFLA Conference in Florida!

by: Peter Martin, President

In just a couple of weeks, Theresa and I fly down to Orlando, Florida for the Annual Catholic Family Life Association Conference. What a blessing for us to go to the conference together! I have been going to these conferences for years and, even though I love my colleagues and I enjoy the conference, I always thought it would be so much better to share the experience with Theresa!

The Conference is a great opportunity to hear talks from some of the most well-known Catholic Speakers and, even though that is a motivation to go, many of us directors go because at the Conference we learn about new initiatives that are available. Theresa and I will be one of the breakout speakers who will share one of these new initiatives. The timing seems perfect for us because many of my fellow directors are now becoming aware of The Rule, and so we look forward to sharing more with them and assisting them to bring it to their diocese.

Please pray for Theresa and I as we travel to Orlando to continue to spread the good news about The Rule of St. John Paul II!