Supporting the Mission

You make the difference. Right now all of our staff are volunteers and the inquiries keep rolling in. The WCI continues to receive personal inquiries from couples from all over the country about starting a Married Couple Group, and we have now received requests from marriage directors to bring The Rule on a larger scale into their area and launch multiple MCGs from California, Evansville, Toledo, Harrisburg, Lafayette, Gary, and more! We need YOUR help to meet these needs!

You are part of this mission. We need your support in order to share St. John Paul II's Rule for married couple groups around the world! Please give a gift today!

"I support the WCI, because I have witnessed firsthand the beauty and fruit of strong marriages being united in Christ and living in authentic community with one another." - Allison M.

From volunteering your time or skillset to donating to help cover the day-to-day operating costs of the organization and development to sustain the growing need of support for Married Couple Groups - none of this would happen without your support!

What better ministry could you support than one that not only preaches about the truth on marriage, but helps couples practically live that out in a world that is screaming the opposite. 

Let us change the world TOGETHER!

Please give a gift today! 25, 40, 75, 100 (or more!) no gift is too small to make a lasting impact. Thank you for your generosity! GIVE NOW

"I support the WCI because as I look around and see the state of marriage and community in our society today, I believe that the WCI’s mission is exactly what our world needs right now. We need more than mens and women’s ministries. We need a restoration of what marriage is both with. We need married couples praying together and truly becoming one not only in the flesh, but in spirit as well. I believe that the WCI is uniquely suited for this mission. That is why I support the WCI with my prayers, my time, and financially." - Kevin S.

You do indeed make the difference. Please give and share this message with others you know who want to see God's vision of marriage restored in our culture, our Church, and our world. Christ the King, Thy kingdom come!

Thank you for your Gift today!