This spring took Peter & Theresa across the Midwest sharing this great rediscovered gift of St. John Paul II's Rule! In sold-out venues of Gary, IN, New Ulm, MN, and Superior, WI, the Martins had audiences laughing, cheering, and inspired! Often, the mission of sharing the Rule is not just for Theresa & Peter but becomes a family endeavor. (You can see from the photos where the Martin children helped out, and what good missionaries they are!)

Like St. Paul, going from town to town sharing the truth of Christ, Peter & Theresa (and their family!) are on a mission to share this amazing Rule with as many people as they can! This is not something you keep to yourself. 

St. John Paul II left us an incredible gift to not only be able to understand the truth, but really live it out in our daily lives. Not only does living the Rule increase spouses' union, love, and joy, but it helps rebuild communities and shift the culture in an authentically Catholic direction.

The Martins would love to work with you to share this newly rediscovered Rule with your area!

If you wish to support this mission (and the WCI does need your support!), please consider donating! The WCI is a 501(c)3 nonprofit. Even just $10 or $20 a month would help us build a foundation to cover the daily costs of running the WCI. In order to make the Rule as accessible as possible to everyone, the WCI gives the Married Couple Group members their products at cost. We are happy to do this! Yet, there are many costs that are not covered and we depend on God's Providence to cover these. Is God calling you to assist us in spreading the Rule to Married Couples?


Support the WCI today! Your donation is tax deductible. Give a gift of love - sponsor a married couple for just $45!

$100.00 - Sponsor 2 couples! $225.00 - Sponsor an entire Married Couple Group! $500.00 - Help us help marriages! We have MCGs beginning in 16 states now and new leader couples being trained. Mentorship, development, day to day service, editing, accounting, communications, translations, this all comes with a cost ... The Holy Spirit has guided the WCI from the beginning and continues to be its driving force. This is God's work - to Him be the glory!