Kevin Stacy
Executive Assistant

One of the God's great blessings to the Wojtyła Community & Institute, Inc. is Kevin Stacy. Kevin caught the vision of St. John Paul II's Rule and desired to help how he could, and his work has already had a profound impact by taking on communication tasks as well as spreading The Rule through professional networking.

Kevin was born and raised in Georgia. In 2004, he joined the U.S. Army serving as an Infantryman, Recruiter, Squad Leader, Drill Sergeant, and Operations Sergeant. During his military career, he earned his M.A. in Interdisciplinary Studies from Liberty University focusing on Executive Leadership and New Testament Studies (graduated with high distinction). He also earned his B.S. in Interdisciplinary Studies from Liberty University focusing on Religion and Business (Summa Cum Laude). 

Kevin, Sydnee and their beautiful family.

Kevin is a Catholic Convert. In 2014, after taking his first church history class, he began his journey home to Rome with the early church fathers. He was received into the Church during the Easter vigil of 2015. He has enjoyed serving in the Church in whatever position is most needed. Currently Kevin is a catechist in the Archdiocese of Military Services where he helps those seeking to join the Church through OCIA. 

Kevin and his wife Sydnee are planning to move to Oklahoma in 2024 with their three young children to begin a new chapter in life after military service and are seeking to follow God’s call to serve the Church and married couples through community wherever the Lord might call them.

When asked why he wished to work with the WCI, Kevin responded, "After encountering The Rule, I finally had the words to begin to describe what my heart was longing for in my marriage and the community I desired to be a part of. For the first time I was able to see the ideal we should all strive for, but able to be grateful for the grace our Lord gives us in our everyday realness. Because of this, I knew that I needed to be a part of the WCI to bring The Rule to the world, one couple at a time."

The Wojtyła Community & Institute, Inc. is honored and blessed to have Kevin serving on our team!